Life, Lately

I sat down today and thought, "I should probably get back to blogging." I've has so  much going on lately with school, friendships, romantic relationships (mine and my friends'), and whatnot that I haven't had time to blog or write. Actually, I probably have had the time, I just haven't had the energy. Normally, I would be ashamed of this, but I've decided that I'm not going to beat myself up about it. Life gets busy and complicated. It happens. Anyway, because it's Spring Break and I've had a little time to unwind, I plan on getting back on a better schedule that includes blogging and writing.

So... Today's post will be a simple post about what I have been up to lately -however uninteresting it may be.

This blog post idea comes from Tessa Emily Hall's Blog.

Currently reading...

  • The Gospel of Luke
    • I love all the Gospels, but Luke is one of my favorites because of his detailed account.
  • Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot
    • This book is hardly about dating/marriage. It's more about placing God first in your life.
  • Chosen by God by R.C. Sproul
    • Interesting read.
  • Sense and Sensibility  by Jane Austen
    • I love Jane Austen's sense of humor.

Currently watching...

  • Amazing Grace
    • This is my all-time favorite movie. If you don't know anything about William Wilberforce and what he did, Google him. Now. 
  • Becoming Jane
    • Because I love Jane Austen.
I seem to have developed an interest in British cinema... Not sure how I feel about that.

Currently working on...

I'm crocheting a baby blanket using granny squares (because I just learned how to crochet granny squares). Too bad I don't know anyone who's having a boy. Guess I can save it for the future... Scary though, there.

Currently writing...

  • A young-adult fiction book.
    • I'm not going into detail right now because I'm only a few chapters in... :)
  • An "article" of sorts called "What a Girl Wants."
    • I'm writing it for godly young men on behalf of godly young women.
So that's what's going on in my life. How about you?


  1. Oh, I want to read Sense and Sensibility but I don`t have the book right now. I took test once to see which Jane Austen character I was and it said I was Marianne Dashwood so now I have to read it. Aren't granny squares fun!? I have been working on an Afghan for a few years now but I still have quite a few squares to crochet. I am also working on crocheting a pair of socks right now and I'm almost done. Yay! By the way have you ever watched the BBC Emma movie? It is wonderful!


    1. I think I took that quiz and got Marianne Dashwood as well! :)
      I do like granny squares. They're simple and neat-looking. Plus, they're easy to make on the go because they're so small.
      I've never watch "Emma." I'm not much of a movie person.


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