
Todays writing prompt is designed to make you think about whether or not you're using the five senses in your writing. Sometimes writers (especially inexperienced writers such as myself) tend to leave out important sensory details in their writing. Using the five senses in your writing can make a scene come alive when they're used correctly. If you want the reader to truly feel like  he or she is there, then you need to give him or her the necessary details to make that possible.

For more information I've posted the link to this blog post by author, Jody Hedlund, on using the five senses in your writing.

Write a scene that uses all five senses at least once.
Write a scene that focuses one of the five senses you tend to neglect the most.
You may post your responses in the comments (or your blog address, if you choose to respond to it there).
I chose the first prompt:
I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply as the national anthem began to play. This was it. The moment of truth. The smell of sweat and Cozy Autumn Vanilla swirled together, reminding me of how blessed I was to be here. The thump of my quickening heartbeat beneath my right hand seemed to match the tempo of the Star Spangled Banner. As the captains walked out onto the field, illuminated by the harsh glow of the stadium light,  I retreated to the sidelines to retrieve the water bottles. My boys' last game of the season -the one game they had to win for Coach- was finally here. I swallowed heavily, still tasting the Glacier Freeze Gatorade I'd chugged earlier while I was getting dressed in the broom closet. We had to win this game.
"And the Whelan Tornados win the coin toss and have elected to receive the ball ..."  the loudspeaker boomed. 
"At least something went right," I whispered. "For once."
"Scarlett!" Coach Carraway bellowed from downfield. "Where's the trainer?"
"He's not here, yet." I replied. Why would we need the trainer now?
"Well, we need him now! "Michael just decided to tell me his ankles messed up and we need him for this game."
"I... I... I'll call him." I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.
"It's alright, Carraway. We've  already got a trainer."
I turned to see Jason standing behind me. "Thank God you're here," started.
"Yeah. You've still gotta be supervised by someone who's certified."
My pounding heart seemed to stop in  my chest. "But..."
"Come on, girlie. Time to show us what you've learned this year."


  1. Steady. Remember the steps. I breath in deeply and let out a hard breath. I watch the other dancers as they twirl around the floor. It would be our turn next. I can feel my nails digging into the palm of my hand in nervousness. I put my fingers together and stretch them to relieve the stiffness in them. Focus on something else. Steady your nerves. I concentrate on the sent of my partner, Andrew's, cologne. The music stops and our names are called. We walk out onto the floor smiling. We get into position and ready ourselves. I can almost taste victory. I hear our song start up.
    Show time!


  2. Nice! I'm definitely thinking "Olympics" here.
    Oh, and thank you for participating on my blog! I always enjoy reading your little snippets. :)

    1. Aww thanks Ashely, I'm glad you enjoy them! I have a lot of fun writing these and it gives me practice too. :)


  3. You won a signed copy of Susan Meissner's book on my blog! Send me your mailing addy to :) THANKS for playing!!! Congrats!


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