
Showing posts from November, 2013

Thankful for the Failures

  Yes. I am blogging on Thanksgiving. Yes. I realize that no one is probably going to read this today because it is Thanksgiving and most people have already posted their annual “Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I’m thankful for…” status on Facebook and now intend to shun social media while they spend time with the turkey and dressing –I mean- Aunt Pearl and Uncle Roger. Family… Yes. Ahem. ;) Anyway, when I read all the “thankfulness” statuses this morning (when I logged on to post my own) my mind couldn’t help but wander over to James 1:17. So… Instead of posting a “thankfulness” status, I posted that verse because it honestly doesn’t matter whether or not you’re thankful if you don’t keep in mind who you’re thankful to. I hope that’s proper English. It sounds weird. Anyway… Sometimes, I think we’re aware that we’re “thankful” for the things that we have, yet we tend to forget about where they come from: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down

Ailurophobia: Why I have it, now.

Let me be very clear about one thing here before I write this. I am a dog person. I love dogs. Dogs love me. If I end up not getting married, I will probably become a Crazy Dog Lady.  Why do I get along so well with dogs? I don't know for sure, but part of it may be based upon a mutual dislike of cats. Don't get me wrong I don't absolutely hate cats or anything. I don't have the desire to run around killing the nasty felines, but I will say that they are not my preferred animal -and with good reason.   Cats pretty much always hate me. Until this past Friday, the above statement pretty much just meant that they don't want me petting them. They may hiss or occasionally scratch me if I get close to them, but it's usually no big deal because I try to respect their feelings and stay away from them. This past Friday, however, something went horribly wrong. I have a part-time job after school watching a special-needs child. It's a pretty simple arrangemen


As y'all might have noticed, I am clearly still getting the hang of this whole blogging thing. I enjoy blogging and it gives me a chance to gain some exposure for my work, but I don't always keep my blog like I should. Plus, some of my posts just seem to fall flat. I've noticed something, though. The posts that do fall flat are usually the "preachy" posts. Yes. I admit it. Some of my posts are preachy. I noticed and I get it. I'll let you in on a little secret, too. I didn't enjoy writing them all that much. It was always the funny posts that came easier to me and got the most feedback. I guess pretty much everyone likes to laugh, right? I do. Therefore, I've decided to refocus this blog. I've renamed it Life, With a Side of Laughter* because that's what came to me the other day while I was thinking about it and this title really captures the essence of my better writing: sweet, funny, and true-to-life. (My life is a sitcom.) While there m