
It's been a long time since I posted anything here. Well... Anything of substance, at least. I've kind of missed it, but at the same time, I feel like I needed a break from something. Sometimes life just gets hectic and we get caught up in things like school, relationships, church, and everything else that gives us both stress and a reason to get up every morning. We spend so much of our energy on these things that we cut back on the things that don't require as much of our attention. For me, it's meant cutting back on my writing. Or better yet, writing for pleasure. In my last post, I talked about how I was hoping to get back into a better schedule. Yeah... Didn't happen.

The past couple months of my life have been a little turbulent, to say the least. God's been working and things tend to get a little rocky when the Creator begins the shaping process on stubborn human hearts such as mine. Regardless, things seem to be leveling out a little (thank goodness). I will say that some changes are hopefully coming in my life.

Just this week, was convicted about how I've been approaching God's Word (and God altogether) lately. As I read over my journal entries, I couldn't help but feel an emptiness in the words I'd written. Some entries evoked more in me than others, but most of them just seemed dead. The, as I flipped through my Bible, I realized that there were no new study notes tucked away in the pages. There weren't any in my journal, either, and that bothered me. It's not that I hadn't been in the Word. I just hadn't been digging as deeply as I should have. To begin with, I just wanted to shrug it off and say, "Well, it's been a rough couple of months." but then it he me. Are the rough months the reason why I haven't been digging into the Word as I should? Or is the fact that I haven't been in digging into the Word like I should the reason for the rough months? The best way to express my answer is in terms of trees.

Water doesn't rely on the tree's growth, but the tree's growth does rely on the water.
As I pondered this, God laid a few words on my heart that I wrote in my journal Monday morning. It's sort of a commitment for me, but I'm going to share it with you since this weekend it Easter.
Spring. It Is often associated with the word "renewal."
It is a time to start afresh.
I want this spring to be a time of renewal for me.
A time to cast off all the things that have hindered my walk with God.
A time to cultivate deeper faith.
A time to dig in and put down deeper roots.
A time to drink daily of the living water.
A time to joyfully soak up the Son.
A time to grow.
Today, I am planting my mustard seed. 

Until next time, Happy Easter!


  1. Congrats Ashley! You have been nominated for the Liebster award over at my blog! :)



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