
As promised on Monday, I am proposing a writing challenge for the creative people out there who might be reading my blog. Of course, if there are no creative people reading my blog, this won't be much fun. Nevertheless, I'm going to take the chance and post a unique writing prompt from one of my FAVORITE writing resources, The Pocket Muse. I don't know how Monica Wood comes up with her writing ideas, but I love them because they're so thought-provoking and they really get the creative juices flowing.

The other day, I was looking for a writing prompt and stumbled upon one I found to be pretty interesting -just because I'd never thought about anything like it before.

So, I'm going to throw it out there and see what y'all come up with. It can be one paragraph or two... even three. Just don't write me a book. If you're that interested, I would suggest that you do just that - write a book! :) You can post your responses in the comments or on your blog (if you have one and would like to post it there). Just post the link in the comments and I'll come visit!

I wish I could offer a prize for the best response, but I am but a poor college kid, so this is just going to be for fun. I'm going to post my response as well. So, even if you don't participate, feel free to critique mine. I can't wait to see what y'all come up with! Hopefully I won't be lift hanging here. Lol. That would just be awkward.
Here is the prompt:
Create a set of circumstances in which a reasonable person would indeed cry over spilled milk.  
My response was:
"There's no sense in crying over spilled milk," Grandma Ellen always told me and, for the most part, I've always agreed with her on the matter. In my opinion, there's no sense in crying over anything, really. Yet, as I glance back and forth between the milk-soaked final draft of my first big article and my adorable niece, I can't help but feel as though this might be the one situation that makes that old adage invalid.
"Oh no, Uncle Jordan... I made an accident," Mandie said, staring up at me with those big green eyes.
"Uh-oh" is right. Maximillian is going to kill me. I've spent two months preparing this article to submit it today and in one fatal swipe of a toddler's hand, the whole file is ruined. I can pretty much kiss my long-awaited chance at earning that promotion goodbye.
Mine was actually several paragraphs long because I got carried away, but this is will do for now on the blog.



  1. Leo stared with a sort of blank-faced disbelief for a few moments. He had just wanted breakfast before sitting down and typing this up. Milk dribbled off the table and dotted his pants, but he was past caring about that. The entire manuscript had been perfect. Written just the way he had dreamed his first story should be. The waitress was apologizing profusely as she grabbed handfuls of napkins to sop it up. She had just meant to set his plate on the table. He should have moved the glass, but now his newly finished novel, that year of work was just a mess of runny black ink in a puddle of milk.

    1. Yep. That is definitely something worth crying over. Made me shudder, at least!


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