13 Things to Ask Yourself About 2013

Hey, everyone! This began as a "Dear 2013" prompt, but I liked this idea more because it's a little more introspective. So… As I answer these questions from The Lady Okie blog, I hope you’ll take some time to do the same.

1.      What am I most proud of this year?
I guess I’m most proud of the fact that I went to Mission Camp Macon this summer. It was a life-changing experience –even though the experience wasn’t exactly what I expected.

2.     How can I become a better ______________?
Servant. I hope that I can become a better servant of Christ (and others) in 2014. In in the years since I got saved, I’ve learned that when I seek to serve my Lord, I naturally develop more of a servant’s heart and I believe that a servant’s heart is key to effectively ministering to those around me.

3.     Where do I need to allow myself grace?
Eww… I’m probably a little too hard on myself about pretty much everything. I think I should focus on allowing more grace in ALL areas, not just matters concerning myself.  

4.     Am I passionate about my career? (Or major, if you’re still in school?)
I firmly believe that everyone should be passionate about his/her career. The very idea of waking up every day for 30+ years to do something you hate just so you can get up the next morning to do something you hate I appalling to me. Honestly, I can’t say that I know what I want to do with my life. What I DO know is that my future career will be as much of a ministry as a career.

5.     What did my finances look like?
This one’s a little weird for me because my job was kind of sporadic and it didn’t pay all that much (I babysat a special-needs child). My Mama’s always jokingly told me that I “know how to hold onto a dollar,” so I assume I’ve already mastered the concept of saving money pretty well.

6.     What projects have I completed?
I haven’t completed many projects this year other than knitting. Yes… I have some grannyish tendencies. One of them is knitting. The other is collecting teacups.

7.      How did I spend my free time?
I’m ashamed to say that I’ve wasted a good bit of time this year. The fact that I had such a difficult time with that last question tells me that there’s a problem somewhere.

8.     In what ways can I restructure my time?
I’m happy to say that I’m sort of being forced to restructure my time this year because I’ll be moving into a dorm in January. I hope to spend more time reading and writing rather than watching TV or playing video games.

9.     When have I felt the most alive?
I feel the most alive when I’m on vacation in the Smoky Mountains. There’s something about the mountain air that invigorates me. I think it’s because I feel closer to God when I’m up there. Before you roll your eyes at that, I think it has more to do with general revelation than elevation.

10. How can I improve my relationships?
This one’s easy. I need to learn to listen more, talk less, and look for way to serve. Simple.

11.   What lessons have I learned in 2013?
I’ve learned several lessons this year. Here are a few:
-          Appreciate the small things in life. They’re beautiful and precious.
-          Every person you meet has a story to tell and every person is worth getting to know.
-          When you start seeking God (rather than chasing your own selfish ambitions) and taking delight in him, He will give you the desires of your heart.
-          Life is not a snapshot... It’s more like a movie. It’s not a matter of finding that ONE moment that encapsulates everything, it’s ALL of the moments coming together to create a unique story.

12.  What old habits would I like to release?
I want to stop procrastinating.

13.  What new habits would I like to cultivate?
I fully intend to begin/end every day with devotion and prayer. I pretty much already end the day this way, but I need to start my day better. I also want to develop a blogging/writing schedule.

Well, those were some of my 2013 reflections.
What about you? Anything you’d like to share about your year?


  1. Thanks so much for commenting on my blog, Ashley! I tried to follow your blog but it won't let me follow right now for some reason. I'll try again later. ;)

    Anyway, this is a great post. 2013 was a pretty good year for me, and I'm hoping 2014 will prove to be even better. Happy New Year!

  2. Thank YOU for dropping by my blog! Glad to hear that your year went well, too! :)
    I sometimes have a problem following certain blogs. I usually have to copy the blog address into my Reading List rather than going through the link on the blog. I don't know why it's being so difficult. Lol.

    1. Thanks for the advice! I tried that and it worked. I'm now following ;) Looking forward to reading your future posts!

  3. Knitting is most definitely not Grannyish. It is a useful skill to know and even if it was then I'm worst than you because I'm younger LOL. I totally agree with feeling closer to God in the mountains. While I have never been to the Rocky's we have our own set of mountains we like to visit and to get away from it all. I love listening to Brandon Heaths son Blue Mountain because it just gives me such peace as if I'm in the mountains at that very moment. I think God made mountains as a peaceful place of refuge for us to go to.


    1. You don't have to be all that good at knitting to be better at it than me. Lol. It's sad, really.
      I wish I could spend a year in the Smoky Mountains just to seek God and watch the seasons change. I think that would be wonderful. :)


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