13 Things to Ask Yourself About 2013

Hey, everyone! This began as a "Dear 2013" prompt, but I liked this idea more because it's a little more introspective. So… As I answer these questions from The Lady Okie blog, I hope you’ll take some time to do the same. 1. What am I most proud of this year? I guess I’m most proud of the fact that I went to Mission Camp Macon this summer. It was a life-changing experience –even though the experience wasn’t exactly what I expected. 2. How can I become a better ______________? Servant. I hope that I can become a better servant of Christ (and others) in 2014. In in the years since I got saved, I’ve learned that when I seek to serve my Lord, I naturally develop more of a servant’s heart and I believe that a servant’s heart is key to effectively ministering to those around me. 3. Where do I need to allow myself grace? Eww… I’m probably a little too hard on myself about pretty...