Purple Moon ~ Tessa Emily Hall

Hey, everyone. I'm so excited to host my very first guest post on A Write Spirit today! About a year ago, I was browsing through writing blogs and stumbled upon Tessa Emily Hall's blog, Christ is Write. It's kind of weird because it just registered with me (like a week ago) that we both have "Write" in our blog names... Oops. Anyway, I was so inspired by Tessa's writing and I was amazed that she was about my age. After reading her blog for a few weeks, I emailed her with a question and found that she was an extremely encouraging person. From that moment on, I excitedly awaited for the release of "Purple Moon." A few months ago, she asked if I wanted to be a beta reader for the book. Y'all, I was SO excited. I didn't have to wait, anymore... Victory for the impatient one! :) I readily agreed and the book was wonderful. Then, a few weeks ago, she asked if I would be willing to take part in her blog tour. Again, I was psyched. I hope you enjoy this post because I KNOW you'll enjoy "Purple Moon" if you buy a copy. Ahem. You really should do that. ;)

Tessa Emily Hall
Tessa Emily Hall is a 19-year-old author of Purple Moon, her YA Christian fiction novel to be published September 2013 by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. She is also the editor over the faith department for Temperance Magazine, a column writer for Whole Magazine, a contributing writer for More To Be, as well as the PR for God of Moses Entertainment. Other than writing, Tessa enjoys acting, music, Starbucks, and her Teacup Shih Tzu—who is named Brewer after a character in her book, as well as her love for coffee.

Selena's life isn't turning out to be the fairy tale she imagined as a kid. That hope seemed to vanish long ago when her dad kicked her and her mom out of the house. This summer might finally hold the chance of a new beginning for Selena ... but having to live with her snobby cousin in Lake Lure, NC while waiting for her mom to get out of rehab wasn't how Selena was planning on spending her summer. She soon begins to wonder why she committed to give up her "bad habits" for this.

Things don't seem too bad, though. Especially when Selena gains the attention of the cute neighbor next door. But when her best friend back home in Brooklyn desperately needs her, a secret that's been hidden from Selena for years is revealed, and when she becomes a target for one of her cousin's nasty pranks, she finds herself having to face the scars from her past and the memories that come along with them. Will she follow her mom's example in running away, or trust that God still has a fairy tale life written just for her?

“Purple Moon” Playlist:
(The previous fact or fiction was TRUE.)
You’ll almost never see me writing without headphones in my ears. Not only does listening to music block out the distractions around me, but it can also help to evoke emotion in the scene that I am writing, just like the soundtrack to a movie does as well. Listening to a song’s lyrics can even inspire a scene or story. In fact, “Purple Moon” was greatly inspired by the songs “By Your Side” by Tenth Avenue North, as well as “Everything” by Lifehouse. Here are a few other songs that helped inspire the story, as well as the lyrics that stand out to me the most:
 (If you would like to see a collection of pictures to go along with these songs, click here.)
• “By Your Side” ~Tenth Avenue North: “Please don’t fight these hands that are holding you, my hands are holding you.” There’s a skit to this song I found on Youtube that relates to the story as well.
• “Everything” ~Lifehouse: “You’re all I want… You’re all I need… You’re everything…” The skit to this song that went viral on Youtube several years ago helped me come up with the emotional/spiritual impact of “Purple Moon”.
• “Enchanted” ~Taylor Swift: “Your eyes whispered, ‘Have we met?’ Across the room your silhouette starts to make its way to me...the playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy…The lingering question kept me up, 2 AM, who do you love? I wonder ‘til I’m wide awake…This is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the story line ends…” I could imagine this song being the soundtrack of a certain scene near the end of “Purple Moon”…but I’m not going to give away any spoilers, so I guess you’ll just have to read to found out. =)

• “In My Arms” ~Plumb: “Fairytales and storybooks of kings and queens and your contagious smile…and as I watch you start to grow up, all I can do is hold you tight, knowing clouds will rain down, flood will, but you will be safe in my arms…” This song could’ve been personally written for Selena. The lyrics remind me of when Selena lives in Kentucky as a child, and the times when her dad would tell her fairy tale stories every night.
• “Need You Now” ~Plumb: “How many times have you heard me cry out ‘God, I need you?’ How many times have you given me strength to just keep breathing?” This one really relates to Selena’s story, especially since the artist, Plumb, mentioned how she wrote this song because of the anxiety attacks she used suffer with as a teenager. Selena has suffered from anxiety as well, and reaches a point in her life when…well, I don’t want to give away any spoilers. =)
• “More Beautiful You” ~Jonny Diaz: “There could never be a more beautiful you…don’t buy the lies, disguises, and hoops, they make you jump through…” I feel like this song could’ve been written by Austin and for Selena. Just like most girls, Selena feels like she isn’t beautiful, only because she’s not fake or doesn’t look like the girls in magazines. However, Austin tells her what God would’ve told her—that she is beautiful, and that materialistic junk doesn’t define beauty.
• “Beautiful Disaster” ~Jon McLaughlin: “She’s giving boys what they want, tries to act so nonchalant, afraid to see that she’s lost her direction, perfect only in her imperfections…She would change everything for happy ever after, caught in between of beautiful disaster.” The struggle of the girl in the song is very similar to Selena’s—she’s confused, lost, broken, and continues turning to guys to fill the void inside of her, searching for a happily ever after.
• “Hold My Heart” ~Tenth Avenue North: “One tear in the driving rain, one voice in a sea of pain, could the maker of the stars hear the sound of my breaking heart…If You’re everything You say You are, would You come close, and hold my heart…” I’ve always imagined that this song could play in the background of the book trailer (even before it became the soundtrack to October Baby’s movie trailer.) Selena could definitely relate to this song—to feeling hopeless, a little confused, and desperate. It’s a struggle for Selena to realize just how much God—the creator of the night sky that she loves so much, as well as everything else around her—feels for her, can calm her anxious heart, and loves her far more than she could ever comprehend.
• “Broken Girl” ~Matthew West: “Now words like ‘innocence’ don’t mean a thing, those pictures in your mind keep you locked up inside your past…Let your tears touch to the ground, lay your shattered pieces down…and be amazed by how Grace can take a broken girl, and put her back together again.” There’s a certain scar that Selena has from a certain moment in her past, and the images of that time constantly comes back, constantly reminding Selena of the pain and the fact that she is “broken”.

Here are a several more songs on the “Purple Moon” playlist that don’t really need an explanation:
• “How He Loves” ~David Crowder Band:
• Not For A Moment (After All)” ~Meredith Andrews
• Here to New York” ~Ruth
• “Scars” ~Colton Dixon
• “White Horse” ~Taylor Swift
• “The Healing Has Begun” ~Matthew West
• “Today Was a Fairytale” ~Taylor Swift
• “Firefly” ~Jimmy Needham
• “Other Guys” ~Jonny Diaz
• “Times” ~Tenth Avenue North
• “Healing Begins” ~Tenth Avenue North
• “Drop The World” ~Warren Barfield
• “You Found Me” ~The Fray
• “Change” ~Taylor Swift
• “All The Broken Pieces” ~Matthew West
• “Dare You To Move” ~Switchfoot
 Fact or Fiction?:
Guess this fact or fiction, and be sure to stop by the next blog tour stop to see if you guessed correctly! (You’ll also receive one extra entry for the “Purple Moon” Prize Pack if you send me your guess.)

“Purple Moon” Blog Tour Stops:

Wednesday, September 18th: Purple Moon Blog Tour Launch: The Story Behind the Story: Christ is Write

Thursday, September 19th: 5 Facts about Purple Moon: Kim Vandel

Friday, September 20th: Character Sketches + Character Cast Contest: Who YA Reading?

Monday, September 23rd: Behind the Scenes: Why I Chose Lake Lure: Words to Dreams

Tuesday, September 24th: Release Day! Selena’s Diary Entry + Creative Photo Contest: Writing for Young Adults

Wednesday, September 25th: Austin’s Diary Entry: Amy’s Book Blog

Thursday, September 26th: Q & A: Notebook Sisters

 Friday, September 27th: Purple Moon Playlist: A Write Spirit 

Monday, September 30th: Purple Moon Excerpt: Wooden Swings: Heather Brice   

Tuesday, October 1st: Dealing With Anxiety—The Spiritual IV: The Destiny of One  

Wednesday, October 2nd: Q & A: Saved by Grace

Thursday, October 3rd: Behind the Scenes: Name Meanings: Labor Not In Vain

Friday, October 4th: Is It Okay To Be An Introvert?: Alex Inks It  

Monday, October 7th: Story Behind the Cover Art: Candy Apple Books

Tuesday, October 8th: Purple Moon Excerpt: Cherishing the Sunrise: Author Casey Bond

Wednesday, October 9th: Q & A: Writing While the Rice Boils

Thursday, October 10th: Behind the Scenes: Christian Human Videos: Writing in Wonderland  

Friday, October 11th: Teenage Substance Abuse: Emily Rachelle  

Monday, October 14th: Behind the Scenes: Lake Lure Academy of the Arts: Worthy 2 Read

Tuesday, October 15th: My Middle & High School Experience: Hello Highlights  

Wednesday, October 16th: Purple Moon Excerpt: Meatless Turkey Sandwich: Diane Estrella  

Thursday, October 17th: Body Image Laurel’s Leaves

Friday, October 18th: Behind the Scenes: Brewer’s Coffee: A Splash of Ink

Monday, October 21st: Purple Moon Excerpt: Farkle at the Park: A Slightly Nerdy Bookworm

Tuesday, October 22nd: Teenage Dating: Tell The World

Wednesday, October 23rd: Q & A: The YA Book Stack

 Thursday, October 24th: How Much of My Personal Life Did I Put Into “Purple Moon”?: Read For Your Future

Friday, October 25th: Fairy tales & Happy Endings + Contest Winners!: Inspiring Daring
“Purple Moon” Prize Pack!

Two people will receive the below prizes--however, I will also be giving away one more prize pack (as well as two signed copies of my book) at my virtual launch party on Sept. 24th. RSVP by clicking here!



  1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Ashley!! I never realized that we had "write" in our blog titles either, haha =)

    And thanks again for letting me stop by your blog!


  2. So exciting! Looks like you've got a lot of great events lined up. I cannot write with music. No way. I edit with music, but for writing I need almost complete silence. Interesting how different people work, isn't it?


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