Grandmothers, Pants, and Potentials

Since today is Funny Friday's post coming late, I've decided to tell you about the time my grandmother disturbed the guy I had a crush on. 

It was by birthday party and my best guy friend (I also happened to have a HUGE crush on him) showed up a little early. Like any normal person, I invited him inside and told him to sit down in the living room. I had to run outside for something and while I was gone, my mom brought my grandmother into the living room where the guy was. 

At the time, my grandmother was in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease (though we weren't aware that that's what it was) and she usually got a little unpredictable in the afternoons. She'd been living with us for a few months, so I was used to the odd things she'd say from time to time. Unfortunately, I forgot to warn my friend about the situation and when I got back to the living room I found that he'd been left alone with her. 

I rushed in to try to rectify the situation, but by the time I got there it was too late. She already had him trapped and was pointing at him saying (and I quote) "Let me just tell you... Around here, when they pull your pants up, they just lift you up off the ground!" (She'd just had her shower.) She was even kind enough to demonstrate the yanking motion for him. 

Talk about an awkward "meet the family" moment... I'll never forget that look on his face -or the look he gave me for that matter. Pretty sure my face was priceless, too. Needless to say, we made a swift exit. All in all, I feel like our friendship was somewhat solidified that day because he still stuck around for the party and still claims to like my family. :)


  1. You have been gifted an incredible talent for writing by God. Thank you for sharing it. Love, love, love to read your pieces.

    1. Thank you so much. You don't knew how much it mean to receive encouragement like this! God bless. :)

  2. haha! That is just too funny! Love the post and your family!


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