Amen... Thank You, Dear Jesus

Okay. Time for Funny Friday. :) Today I am going to draw from my virtually endless supply of church stories. Now before I say anything else, you should all know that I go to a small church. It also happens to be a family church. Between both my mom's family and my dad's family I was, at one point, related to all but two families in the church. This story takes place during that time. 

It was Sunday night and my Uncle Mike was on a roll with his sermon. I mean he was serious... So serious that he was actually coming down from behind the pulpit. All you Baptists out there understand the significance of that, I'm sure. Anyway, on this particular evening, my Great Uncle Dallas (on my dad's side of the family) was feeling spunky and had decided to sit on the front pew. Again, Baptists, you can appreciate this. Unfortunately, however, his spunk only managed to get him to the front pew. It didn't hold out to keep him awake...

Does anyone see where this is going? 

So, Uncle Mike was getting into his sermon about how when Jesus was walking on earth, He was considered radical and the people probably thought his teachings were "crazy." In the process, my uncle came running out from behind the pulpit yelling, "You're probably thinking,"This man's crazy!!!" Not only did he startle half the congregation, he aroused Great Uncle Dallas from his slumber.

It was obvious that Uncle Dallas was embarrassed by this, but in a last minute attempt to save face, he muttered his standard, "Amen." Because of his deep, Southern drawl, it sort of just rumbled out and consequently awoke my Great Aunt Lena (on my mother's side of the family) from her snooze on the third pew.

You also need to understand that Aunt Lena is accustomed to napping in church and has a tried and true plan for when she gets disturbed. As calmly as ever, she opened her eyes, raised her hand and said, "Yes... Thank you, Dear Jesus." 

Poor Uncle Mike was speechless by now and the rest of us were struggling to keep from laughing. You might as well have stuck a fork in that sermon. It was finished... 


  1. No, I don't remember this, but it did make me snicker...several times. I needed a reason to laugh tonight because I am soooo tired from school work. I enjoy reading all of your posts...keep composing for those of us who lack this special talent. Miss you lots!!!!!

  2. hahaha! Oh my gosh that's hilarious. How funny!


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